Forgive me, for I have sinned. It’s been almost 3 weeks since my last blog…
It’s been a very fun few weeks. Kendra and I closed on a house and got to move in on Halloween. Trick or treaters came by that night (as they so often do on the 31st) and I am pretty sure that there were only 3 or 4 kids that were actually, well, kids! The rest were all 16 years old and up. I’m 27 and looked younger than a lot of these kids! They had facial hair, beards, stubble, mustaches, goatees…ok, not really, I just can’t grow a good a good beard so my baby face is jealous, but they were still all 16 and older I tells ya! 🙂
We recently returned from our “Portraits in the Leaves” family portrait event in Zion National Park. It was a success! It was so fun to spend the day there with so many great families! Because of the heat, I assume, the fall colors weren’t at their peak and not as vibrant as in the past but it was still beautiful there and made for some great scenic portraits. We are going to make this a yearly tradition to go visit Zion with our clients.
Here are a few of my favorites:
This was early in the morning and the cool air from the night still lingered so we were all a bit chilly!
Thank you to everyone who made the trip!
Nate <- Main Las Vegas Photographer Website <- Las Vegas High School Senior Photos. Seniors, go here!

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