As you all have probably seen on this blog, each year I schedule a day to photograph families in Zion National Park. This has turned into one of my favorite traditions every year. We always make a trip there for family portraits because the canyon is filled with beautiful fall colors (that’s one thing we sure lack here in Vegas) and the busy summer season has died down and the park is quite secluded so it is very relaxing and easy going.
I’m excited for this year’s PORTRAITS IN THE LEAVES! If you’d like to make it on NOVEMBER 2nd (even if you are unsure if you can make it or not at the moment) click here
Here’s a quick dad story:
Earlier, I made myself half a turkey sandwich and put a few Cheetoh’s (a.k.a. the most addictive -and salty- snack ever devised by evil chefs) on my thin paper plate to join in on the action.
“Something is missing,” I thought about saying but just thought instead. Okay, that’s a lie. I actually spoke this aloud. I talk to myself all the time.
BINGO! There on the cold fridge door was a nicely chilled bottle of something especially delicious but only Las Vegas and Arizona natives can attest to. MACAYO’S SAUCE!
Other smooth sauces just cannot compare to this Las Vegas legend. Feeling somewhat elated that I bought a few bottles at the store on my last trip, I drizzled a few generous squirts onto a lonely part of the paper plate. Ready to eat my meal, I walked over to the chase lounge of our couch and sat, watching an SNL skit on Netflix. But I was not alone…
My 20 month old (only four more months until I can just say, “He’s 2” and not have to give specific months) saw my food and engaged his tractor beam. In a flash, his big blue eyes peaked over my plate and his big-little hands began their Cheetoh stealing work. Defeated, as usual, I allowed my little clone to share in the snack. He wanted more though. More. More. MORE! He then started his ascent up my foot then up my ankle to try to climb onto my leg when it happened…
The left side of his face fell onto the thin paper plate, propelling the crunchy Cheetohs into the air with Apollo 11-like thrust. Not worse for wear, my boy stood up, looked up at me again and there on the left side of his face was a puddle of smooth, rich Macayo’s sauce dripping from his temple down to his cheek.
I was frustrated at first due to the cleanup but quickly realized that it was too funny to not laugh at due to it being Owen’s personal karma for always stealing his dad’s (me) food. I’m also quite sure that was his first time tasting Macayo’s sauce. I think he liked it.
– Nate