I don’t know about you guys, but 2008 was quite the year. I’d have to say 2008 was probably one of the most eventful years of my life. Sure I’m only 24 but give me a little credit! 🙂 With Christmas almost here, we professional photographers are at our busiest trying to meet deadlines, make shipments and of course make people look their best. Below are a few portraits I’ve taken that I liked. Hope you like them too!
First up we have Ashly. <– She wanted me to make sure I spelled her name right so please, no emails about a missing ‘E’ in there. 🙂 Ashly (again, no emails….) talked a big talk about how she used to model and well……she talks a big game but backs it up too. That’s rare. She made the shoot go real smooth. It’s too bad we got kicked out of that cool parking garage by security. Oh well. 🙂