“What goes on in that family photographer brain of yours, Nate?”

September 19, 2014

It almost feels like fall will never get here. Here is is, mid-September and the thermometer still says over 100. It’s interesting to think that in other parts of the country, people are readying for cooler weather, snow and bundling up indoors. Here in Vegas, we’re getting excited for the opposite– to go outside again without dreading it! I find myself wondering about random things like this all the time when I finally have a free second in my day. In my personal reflection I try to have on a daily basis, I’ll wonder:

– “Hundred of years ago, no one never knew how fun a roller coaster can be.”

– “…or ice cream.”

“…or Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper.”

The list goes on and on. But while my “me time” thinking is probably not the most complex thought process around, I do like to sit and think and wonder. In particular, I often try to identify weak areas of my life that I can strengthen somehow. I look at all areas of my life that I can think of and focus on improvement. It’s hard to do this at times because I think we all secretly like to hope that there is no room for improvement and if anything in life isn’t right, there’s no possible way we ourselves are to blame. Unfortunately, anyone who believes this is fooling themselves enormously.


“So, Nate, how does all of this self help preaching relate to your photography?”

I think all I’m doing is attempting to explain a little bit how I think. I do love to joke around, laugh, find humor in the world, etc. but when I’m alone, I enjoy thinking and analyzing my day. It’s just how my mind works for whatever reason. Now, onto the photography aspect of all of this! I have a very systematic though process that goes into my work. Here are a few inner workings of my Las Vegas photographer brain when it comes to family portrait. 🙂



When I photograph a family, I first find the motivation behind the portrait. Is it to replace a previous portrait? Has the family never had a family portrait before? Is someone in the portrait sick or terminally ill? See, it’s so much more than just a picture that you pass by on Facebook or Instagram in a few seconds. This is the most meaningful portrait I create! This is something that gets passed down generations (eventually) but before that, it becomes a decorative work of art for the family’s home. IT MUST LOOK TOP NOTCH! My approach to the family portrait is that every single person in the image must look fantastic. When I create it I have to ask myself, “If I took everyone out of the image except for the mom, would she look good? If I took everyone out of the image except for the dad, would he look good? etc.” This is an important factor for me to consider when creating a meaningful family portrait.

las vegas outdoor family photographer

On top of all that, there’s the clothing. Now, I really have no control what people wear but I do make it known what I think would be best for them to wear! Is it necessary for everyone to match? No, of course not. Some people hate the look of everyone in the same clothing while others love it. What is essential, however, is keeping the clothes all a similar tonality. For example, browns, greens, dark reds, and other earth tones coordinate wonderfully together. Throw in one person in a white t-shirt and now the portrait has lost something. It has lost its finesse and color harmony. That white shirt is now the dominant thing for your eyes to see and steals attention away from the family’s faces (which is most important above all else). Here’s an example:

las vegas family photography

Now, it’s not the end of the world that the man here wore a white shirt but take notice how much the bright white grabs your attention  from the faces. It’s the little things that make BIG differences!

(By the way, when choosing colors to wear, consider what color your walls are in your home. Coordinating clothing to be harmonious with the walls in your home might add a special touch to your rooms.)


Another thing I think a lot about when creating a family portrait is whether it should be scenic, showcasing the family within a landscape or setting or whether the portrait should be more tightly cropped or more up close. These considerations are determined on the fly as well as in the planning stages before the session. For example, if a client absolutely knows they need a 30×40 mounted canvas in a frame above their mantle that’s in their parlor but the room is made to sit 4 or 5 people, having an extreme close up of faces might be the wrong decision for that location in their home and albeit somewhat creepy having gigantic faces that are 5 or 6 times life size to the actual people! Sometimes, a large portrait like this can benefit from including a beautiful setting that is special to the family or shows the family’s personality.

las vegas photography studio

las vegas family portraits

The last thing I’ll mention about the family portrait is that I do not view it as just another picture. It’s not a picture. We see pictures everyday in advertisements, text messages, snap chat, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, e-mail, on TV, and the list goes on. Pictures, however well done or not, are usually intensely temporary, fleeting and forgotten. A portrait is made so the family can see, remember and reminisce over great moments that would otherwise be forgotten, ignored, or brushed aside. A family portrait (not picture) is both art and genealogical documentation. It is a captured memory as well as a statement of personality, achievement or artistic expression. It is not something I take lightly and never will as long as I am a professional photographer. The family portrait, most of all, displays the people who are the most important possessions in one’s life. It showcases their best qualities so that they can have constant reminders of who they are, where they come from, and why they work so intensely diligent everyday. It’s all there in the family portrait and it is a great privilege to do the work for families in town. It’s a lot of fun!

outdoor Las Vegas family portrait photographer

Please call (702)809-9763 before my calendar fills up too much this fall and winter to get your

own TNG family portrait. We’ll have a great time!

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