Hey, everyone! Normally after Christmas is over, January and February for photographers is the slowest time of the year. NOT TRUE FOR US! We’re as busy as ever and loving every minute of it It’s such a great thing to be a photographer. I really love it. It’s such a blessing creating artwork for such great people to enjoy! I’m so glad I enjoy my career. I can remember when I was younger my dad stressed the importance of becoming educated and finding work that was enjoyable to me. He was a meat cutter his whole life and worked very hard for us. He used to tell me, “You don’t want to be a meat cutter. Find something you like to do.” I’m so glad I listened (for once 🙂 )to the man! My mother was a first grade teacher and found quite a bit of fulfillment in her work. I’m really happy I had parents who would push me.
With high school senior portrait season coming soon, I figured I would showcase a few of my favorite senior portrait memoriez. Enjoy!
1) I wanted to create a fun, laid back image that said a lot about this girl’s personality. It turns out she loves her Ipod and the Harry Potter series. I suggested doing something different in the style of the Brady Bunch opening and she said it sounded like fun. The results made for a fun, colorful portrait collage that is strictly unique to her! It was fun from beginning to end!
2) This senior had a really cool truck! He was very proud of his vehicle (I would be too!) and we did a few more standard images with him next to his truck but later on I said to him, “Let’s do something cool,” and we came up with this. He was pretty uncomfortable in this pose but we were both very happy with the final product!
3) This senior is as nice as they come but when we found this spot we had to get something a little more edgy with his guitar. It was his favorite portrait from the whole session if I remember correctly.
4) This was a fun session! We laughed it up the whole time! Seconds after this more serious portrait was created, this young man couldn’t help but laugh after I told him to show me his best Zoolander look. He said, “I gave you blue steel!” With that in mind, I added a slightly cool/blue look to the portrait. We laughed and named the portrait “BLUE STEEL.” Great senior! I later photographed his family portrait a few months later.
5) This senior wanted something a little more bold and punchy. The beauty of photography is you get to show the world only what you want it to see. This blue wall was actually the doorway to a restaurant’s dumpster! It’s important to trust your photographer! 🙂
6) This young lady was one of the nicest, happiest girls you could ever want to meet! I love when I meet people who are excited to work with me!
7) This girl had a very quick wit. She definitely gave me a run for my money! It was a very fun session. Lots of laughs, lots of great images and the time just flew by. One thing I remember is that she was extremely responsible and caring because a few weeks after this session she moved across the country to take care of her grandma. I was very impressed by her character.
Ok, I promised you a big announcement and here it is: TNGphoto.com is going to have a sister website devoted to high school seniors! More info to come!
I’ll update the blog soon. Thanks everyone! Give us a call at(702)809-9763to schedule your senior portraits! You can even text us if you want!Thanks again!

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