It’s almost August which means it’s almost time for families to prepare for the new school year, end their vacations and start up the typical daily grind that is soon to follow. With fall and winter just a hop, skip and a jump away, I am preparing myself for the influx of family portraits that is sure to come soon. I am currently planning my annual family portrait weekend in Zion National Park (always excited about this) and also readying myself for local family photos as well.
I thought it would be a good idea, in the meantime, to talk a little bit about where oh where do families get their portraits made here in Las Vegas. After all, isn’t the desert an ugly place? There’s nowhere to take pretty pictures here, right? Wrong. While I wish I could take family photos in the redwood forests or always near waterfalls in Oregon or on beaches of Hawaii on a consistent basis, I have consistently made stunningly beautiful portraits of families and individuals in our “ugly” desert. Here are a few ideas for where we can consider taking your next family portrait in Las Vegas.
1) Your home.
“My home? Why would I want to do that?”
Think about it for a moment. Lots of people get family photos done outside but rarely get a well done portrait in their home. They are missing out on a perfect opportunity to have a portrait that NO ONE else has! Are families lining up to have a photo in your living room? My guess is probably not unless you are charging $5 a person. 🙂
With proper care, lighting and environmental arrangement, your own home can be a the perfect (and comfortable) location for your family portraits whether the family is big or small. Here are a few examples from past families:
2) Your Home, part II: The Revenge!
Not only can the inside of your home be the ideal choice for a location but sometimes the outside of the home is a great option as well.
3) Red Rock / Calico Basin
I never recommend this area in the summer time because of the heat but it can be beautiful when the weather is more enjoyable. These are nice areas that are unlike most outside of our state so they make for a very unique setting for a family portrait. What I always tell my clients is this: if we go all the way out to Red Rock or Calico Basin, I will be showcasing the family with the landscape. There’s no point in going to a beautiful scenic area and zooming in on faces…
4) A Nearby Park
Parks are everywhere and well maintained here. You can expect a fantastic outdoor family portrait to look great at a nearby park in your neighborhood, community or even the larger public parks.
5) Anywhere, really…
With my skills and experience, I have learned that the location of the portrait is less important than you might think to get a quality family portrait. Oftentimes there is a beautiful and flattering background hiding in plain sight and you might think there is no way I could get a great family portrait in a certain place but the final image looks stunning! I do feel that if the location has special significance to you and your family than that is all the better but oftentimes families can’t think of any particular location that is extremely special to the whole family unless it’s a cabin, their boat at the lake or at a sports stadium, etc. When you call me (and you will call me, right? 🙂 (702)809-9763) to get plan your new family portrait I will go over all the specifics with you to help make your portrait as special as it can be and custom to you and your family.

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