To this day, this is one of my favorite family portraits I’ve ever taken.
This was printed on a 30×40 canvas in a beautiful black frame. They also used it for their Christmas cards. On the cards they wrote, “Same shirt, different day.” 🙂 I thought it was a fun idea!
These 6 kids were some of the nicest I’ve ever met. When the session was over, they all offered to help me clean up! I was very impressed. This portrait s actually a composite image. They were all in the same photograph, yes, but I had to switch a few faces, heads and even entire bodies. The little girl on the left I traded out her face with an image where she was hugging onto her mother’s arm. The face of the little boy in the front was changed and the boy laying on his stomach on the right was swapped into this portrait because in the original, he was laying on his back. We photographers are always chasing after the “perfect portrait” and swapping faces, heads, arms, etc. is just one of the many tools we now use to get closer to that “perfect portrait.”
Have a great weekend everyone!

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