So you’re graduating soon. Congratulations! There are 2 VERY important things you need to remember to do:
1)Don’t forget to sneak in a beach ball during the graduation ceremony.
2) Don’t forget to call TNG Photography for your senior portraits!
It’s not too late to get unique and different portraits of you to show off to your friends and family. Seniors, if you’re looking for a one of a kind portraits session, you’ve found the right place!
As a procrastinator sympathizer, TNG Photography is offering FREE SENIOR SESSIONS ($75 value!) to the first 5 lucky seniors who call or email by May 1st, 2009!
All you have to do is click BECOME A FAN ( ) on the TNG Photography fan page to be eligible.
Place your order by May 15th, 2009 and receive 10% off your portrait order!
For the first time ever, procrastination has paid off.
Nate Grant
TNG Photography

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