I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a woman who told me that she has a new found respect for photographers. She explained that she had bought a nice camera after hiring someone to photograph some horses for her to try photographing her horses on her own without a professional. I think she assumed all photographers are equal. I’ve been saying it for years that this is definitely not true. She admitted she had no idea there was so much involved with photography.
She went on to tell me that out of 300+ images, only 3-5 were usable. All of the images were not what she was wanting for her business and the photographer she used was unwilling to admit that the mistake was on his/her end of things. Taking the “I’m an artist and you get what I tell you is good” route instead of being willing to give the client what was needed for her business.
After viewing a few photographs taken by this photographer, it was apparent to me that the images were created by a novice. We all start somewhere and please do not think I am being rude in my analysis here. I’m trying to point out a key difference between myself and the large number of inexperienced photographers that sell themselves as professional. This photographer was told what was expected out of the images and did not deliver anything close to what was requested. I completely understand the need to fulfill one’s self artistically and I definitely strive for that for every piece of work that I create. However, it must be done within the confines of the client’s expectations.
If I was the one being hired to photograph these horses, I would of course want to create something beautiful and artistic and something I could be proud of but first and foremost, the client’s needs must be met. If those needs are not to my own personal taste, it does not matter! If I feel there’s some way I can improve upon their requirements I will bring it to their attention and make any suggestions I can but I must provide the expected product that is best for them, no matter what. This is something inexperienced photographers just do not understand.
Class of 2019 Seniors: Stop Waiting!
Call: 702.809.9763 | TNGseniors.com
Here are a few portraits of a senior I’d like to share. He was such a talented and well spoken young man and it will be no surprise to hear of his future success and achievements!