• Emily and her harp

    July 16, 2015

    It has been a few months since I last blogged and I do apologize but I’m back on the blogging train so don’t worry! For this post, I would like to feature the lovely Emily Barnes.There really is something to be said about hearing any kind of instrument live but the way Emily plays her harp is really something special. Even on a high quality set of speakers, nothing beats hearing a musician play their instrument live. The sound of Emily’s harp fills the room with clarity and the sound almost surrounds you. Her harp is a beautiful instrument and the sound she creates with it is incredible.

    Emily is a Las Vegas harpist and you can learn more about her by reading the interview below and by checking out her website: http://www.harpbyemily.com/


    Enjoy the interview and her portraits!

    • Tell a little bit about what you do

    I’m a harpist in Las Vegas, NV. I play at weddings and events throughout the Vegas valley, as well as symphony and chamber music performances. Every day is different, but a typical day always includes practicing, usually a rehearsal with other musicians, and often a wedding or other performance event. More unique occasions might be working with a composer on a new piece of music for harp, assisting in a recording, or playing in a show on the strip.

    studio harpist portrait

    • What inspired you to start doing what you do?

    Believe it or not, my inspiration came from the Excalibur casino when I was five years old. My Mom took me to the grand opening, and they had a harpist playing and singing. We never did find out who the harpist was, but she piqued my interest enough that I eventually started taking lessons. Over the years I have had the good fortune to study with excellent harpists, and their support and motivation has led me to where I am now.


    las vegas harpist emily barnes

    • What do you feel is the biggest appeal of what you do?

    The harp is such a beautiful instrument, I think it really takes center stage as the main appeal. It has a way of captivating people’s attention before the music even starts. People tell me all the time that they had never seen a harp up close before, and I love being able to show them around the instrument—all the mechanisms and how it functions. In addition to looking lovely, it produces a gorgeous sound, which definitely plays a role in its appeal. I love watching people’s heads turn as they realize I’m playing Stairway to Heaven on the harp.

    emily barnes harpist in las vegas

    What sets you apart from your competition?

    I played at my first wedding in Las Vegas when I was 11 years old and have been actively freelancing since then. There are few locations in the city that I am not familiar with, but more importantly I have a great sense for what the customer is looking for. In addition to my experience as a gig harpist, I studied classical harp at the Manhattan School of Music in New York. This unique combination of a classical background mixed with practical experience makes me a versatile harpist, always able to meet the request of clients.

    las vegas harp player portrait harpist emily barnes

    • What do your customers expect from you?

    Beautiful music! I provide a song request form for clients to use if they have specific songs or themes in mind. Otherwise, my typical song list is a mix of familiar classical and pop tunes. I always dress to fit the occasion, usually in a long gown but sometimes a specific outfit is requested. It takes about 15 minutes to set up the harp, so with that in mind I arrive at least 30 minutes early to account for any unforeseen obstacles. All in all, my clients can always expect a very professional experience, complete with beautiful music and a beautiful instrument.


    las vegas harpist harp player portrait emily barnes

    • What are you most proud of with what you do?

    I love working with brides to plan the music for their wedding. It’s a wonderful experience for me to play a part in such a special occasion, and as a former bride, I do my best to make the music planning as easy as possible.

    Thanks for reading! If you’re curious about event rates, harp lessons, or other harp related inquiries, please contact me at harp.by.emily@gmail.com or visit my website www.harpbyemily.com.


    las vegas harpist portrait emil barnes harp player





  • Senior portraits: why you need them and why you’ll love them more than your phone…

    January 30, 2014

    Dear Class of 2014,


    It’s not quite February yet but at some point in the next few weeks, you’re going to have to decide who you are going to trust with your senior photos. Big deal right? Actually, YES! This is a HUGE deal! Aside from your future wedding photos and maybe a jail mugshot or two (I kid, I kid 🙂 ) there is no other set of photos or images of you that are going to be seen by more people. I repeat: A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE GOING TO SEE HOW YOU LOOK. This was true before the internet and it’s even more true these days with Instagram, Twitter, Facebook (a.k.a. MomBook), phones, and ultimately, your final prints that will be displayed until an angry mob has to force your mom to take off her wall one day.





    las vegas senior portraits

    las vegas senior photos

    las vegas senior portraits
    las vegas senior photos

    las vegas senior photos

    las vegas senior photos

    las vegas senior photos

    Here’s what I promise you:

    You’re going to look better than you ever thought you’d look in a portrait. No joke. Your mom is going to cry (happy tears of course)  when she sees these and you’re gonna be showing everyone how great you look. I don’t ever want seniors to all look the same — BORING! I’m going to make sure you look amazing and you aren’t going to look corny.

    I know your busy so head over to my Las vegas senior site here: http://www.TNGseniors.com

    The first 6 seniors to call  or text (702)809-9763 , mention this blog and get 2- FREE MOVIE TICKETS when you book your session!

    las vegas senior photos

  • Outdoor Senior Photos in Las Vegas

    May 2, 2013

    I had a few really fun sessions recently. It’s senior season again and this is when my mind switches to overdrive! Seniors are challenging portraits for many reasons–each person has a unique personality to convey, different body types to flatter, and lighting in the warming desert is always a challenge, just to name a few. I was thinking the other night about how senior photos will be seen by more people than any other portrait except maybe your wedding photos. There’s a lot of pressure for seniors to look good to their friends and their classmates. No one wants to look unnatural, corny or embarrassing…luckily, and this is going to sound cocky but, I’m extremely good at making sure seniors WON’T be embarrassed. 🙂 Enjoy the portraits!

    SENIORS: The time is now to get your portraits taken! Call (702)809-9763 and read more at TNGseniors.com for more info!

    prom photography las vegas

    Ok, so these aren’t really seniors but I couldn’t resist posting it! These are actually juniors who were only about an hour away from heading to their prom and they wanted some nice images created of themselves in this beautiful location. After we took some portraits by the fountain, I hopped into the bed of this young man’s truck and he drove us down the street a few blocks to this great area right in the middle of the neighborhood. I was a little nervous here and there though because sprinklers kept turning on and off in the hedges across the street from us so we made our escape plans with each other just in case the water turned on where we were. Luckily, we made it out alive and no sprinklers laid a hand on us. 🙂

    lacrosse player photography las vegas

    I had a ton of fun with this lacrosse player’s senior portraits! Along with all of the nice portraits of smiles, teeth and different outfits, I always try to make sure I try something different, artistic, funky or just plain fun. In this situation, the young man brought the eyes on his helmet to my attention and told me he wanted to find a way to show it off. I was happy with the dramatic feel of this one.

    senior girl outdoor photo las vegas

    This is a more traditional portrait of this senior. I remember while I was photographing her here, I knew I wanted this to be black and white. The beautiful soft, natural light coming in from the right side of the image is very flattering and I didn’t need to even add a reflector or subtract light from her at all. It was just as flattering as light comes at the time. I loved the way the background is so bright (but still visible and distinguishable) and her clothes are dark so she really pops out at you here!


    Oh, by the way, we’re on Facebook, Twitter, and now Instagram! Like us, follow us, cyber stock us, whatever! 🙂


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